Na-Dene languages

North America
Linguistic classification: Dené–Yeniseian
  • Na-Dené
ISO 639-5: xnd

Na-Dene ( /ˌnɑːdɨˈn/; also Nadene, Na-Dené, Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit, Tlina–Dene) is a Native American language family which includes at least the Athabaskan languages, Eyak, and Tlingit languages. An inclusion of Haida is controversial.

In February 2008 a proposal relating Na-Dene (excluding Haida) to the Yeniseian languages of central Siberia was published and well received by a number of linguists.[1]


The name

Edward Sapir originally constructed the term Na-Dene to refer to a combined family of Athabaskan, Tlingit, and Haida. (The existence of Eyak was not known at the time.) In his “The Na-Dene languages: A preliminary report”, he describes how he arrived at the term (Sapir 1915, p. 558):

The name that I have chosen for the stock, Na-dene, may be justified by reference to no. 51 of the comparative vocabulary. Dene, in various dialectic forms, is a wide-spread Athabaskan term for “person, people”; the element *-ne (*-n, *-η) which forms part of it is an old stem for “person, people” which, as suffix or prefix, is frequently used in Athabaskan in that sense. It is cognate with H. na “to dwell; house” and Tl. na “people”. The compound term Na-dene thus designates by means of native stems the speakers of the three languages concerned, besides continuing the use of the old term Dene for the Athabaskan branch of the stock.

Family division

In its non-controversial core, Na-Dene consists of two branches, Tlingit and Athabaskan–Eyak:

For linguists who follow Edward Sapir in connecting Haida to the above languages, the Haida isolate represents an additional branch, with Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit together forming the other. Dene or Dine (the Athabaskan languages) is a widely distributed group of Native languages spoken by associated peoples in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Alaska, parts of Oregon, northern California, and the American Southwest as far as northern Mexico.

The southwestern division of Athabaskan is also called Southern Athabaskan or Apachean, and includes Navajo and all the Apache dialects. Eyak was spoken in south-central Alaska; the last speaker died in 2008. Navajo is by far the most widely spoken language of the Na-Dene family, spoken in Arizona, New Mexico, and other regions of the American Southwest.

Typological profile of Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit

All of these languages share a highly complex prefixing verb structure in which tense and mood markers are interdigitated between subject and object agreement markers. The morphological hallmark of the family is a series of prefixes found directly before the verb root that raise or lower the transitivity of the verb word. These prefixes, traditionally known as "classifiers", derive historically from a combination of three distinct classes of morphemes and are not found in any other Native American language family.

The phoneme system contains a large number of guttural (velar or uvular) consonants (fronting in many modern Athabaskan languages to palatals and velars, correspondingly) as well as a general absence of labial obstruents (except where /b/ has arisen from *w). In the historical phonology there is a widespread tendency, observable across many Athabaskan languages, for phonemic tonal distinctions to arise from glottal features originally found at the end of the syllable. The glottal features in question are often evident in Eyak or Tlingit. These languages are typologically unusual in containing extensive prefixation yet being SOV and postpositional, features normally associated with suffixing languages.

Obstruent Correspondences

Obstruent Correspondences
PAET PAE PA Eyak Tlingit
Normal L-assim.
d d d d d
ɡʲ dz [dz], s~z dz ɡ
ɡ ɡ ɡʲ ɡ ɡ(ʷ)
ɡʷ ɡʷ ɖʐ ɡʷ > ɡ
ɢ ɢ ɢ ɢ ɢ(ʷ)
ɢʷ ɢʷ ɢʷ > ɢ
t t t t t
tʃ (ts)
ts ts ts ts ts
k, ʃ
k k k k(ʷ)
ʈʂ kʷ > k
q q q q q(ʷ)
qʷ > q
tɬʼ tɬʼ tɬʼ tɬʼ ɬʼ, tɬʼ
tʃʼ tʃʼ tʃʼ tʃʼ sʼ, tʃʼ (tsʼ) tɬʼ
tsʼ tsʼ tsʼ tsʼ sʼ, tsʼ tɬʼ, ɬ
kʼʲ xʼ(ʷ), kʼ(ʷ)
kʼʷ kʼʷ ʈʂʼ kʼʷ > kʼ
qʼʷ qʼʷ qʼʷ > qʼ χʼ, qʼ(ʷ)
ɬ ɬ ɬ~l ɬ ɬ
ʃ ʃ ʂ~ʐ ʃ (s) ʃ (s) ɬ
s s s~z s s ʃ
s; ʃ x
x x xʲ~j x
ʂ~ʐ xʷ > x
χ χ χ~ʁ χ χ(ʷ)
χʷ χʷ χʷ > χ~ʁ χʷ
Extrasystematic fricative correspondences
sx x xʲ~j x s
ʃx x xʲ~j ʃ ʃ
$ x(ʷ) ? $ (ʃ~xʲ) xʷ > x; s χ


  1. PAET, PAE and PA stand for Proto-Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit, Proto-Athabaskan–Eyak and Proto-Athabaskan, respectively.
  2. To prevent cluttering the table, phonemes in the PAET, PAE and PA columns are not asterisked.
  3. Leer (2008, 2010) doesn't reconstruct the PAET affricates */dɮ/, */tɬ/ and */dz/. Judging from their rarity, he assumes they may be attributable to the resolution of former consonant clusters.
  4. In Athabaskan and Eyak, sibilants can be diminutive variants of shibilants. In Tlingit, on the other hand, shibilants might sometimes be diminutive variants of sibilants. These correspondences are in parentheses.

Proposals of deeper genealogical relations involving Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit

A genealogical connection between the Tlingit, Eyak and Athabaskan languages was suggested early in the 19th century, but not universally accepted until much later. Haida, with 15 fluent speakers (M. Krauss, 1995), was originally linked to Tlingit by Franz Boas in 1894. Both Haida and Tlingit were then connected to Athabaskan by Edward Sapir in 1915. Linguists such as Lyle Campbell (1997) today consider the evidence inconclusive. They have classified Haida as a language isolate. In order to emphasise the exclusion of Haida, Campbell refers to the language family as Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit rather than Na-Dene. In 2010 Jeff Leer has published extensive primary materials on what he calls PAET (Proto-Athabascan–Eyak–Tlingit).


Edward Vajda of Western Washington University in 2008 presented compelling evidence that the Na-Dene languages (Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit) are related to Yeniseian (or Yeniseic) languages of Siberia,[2] the only living representative of which is the Ket language. This evidence provides a geographic source of origin for the widely recognized third migration of peoples to North America, who formed part of its ancient prehistoric indigenous peoples.

Key evidence by current comparative methodologies includes homologies in verb prefixes and also a systematic correspondence between the distribution of Ket tones and consonant articulations found in Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit. Vajda's paper has been favorably reviewed by several experts on Na-Dene and Yeniseic languages, including Michael Krauss, Jeff Leer, James Kari, and Heinrich Werner, as well as a number of other well-known linguists, including Bernard Comrie, Johanna Nichols, Victor Golla, Michael Fortescue, and Eric Hamp. The conclusion of this seminar was that the comparison with Yeniseic data shows that Haida cannot be classified in a genealogical unit with Athabaskan–Eyak–Tlingit.[1]

Other proposals

According to Joseph Greenberg's controversial classification of the languages of Native North America, Na-Dené (including Haida as well as Athabaskan–Eyak + Tlingit) is one of the three main groups of Native languages spoken in the Americas. It represents a distinct wave of migration from Asia to the Americas. The genealogical relationship of Tlingit, Eyak and Athabaskan is widely accepted, while the inclusion of Haida remains controversial. The other two families recognized by Greenberg for the Americas are the widely accepted Eskimo–Aleut family, spoken in Siberia, Alaska, the Canadian Arctic and Greenland; and the far less widely accepted Amerind, Greenberg's most controversial classification, which includes every language native to the Americas that is not Eskimo–Aleut or Na-Dené.

Contemporary supporters of Greenberg's theory, such as Merritt Ruhlen, have suggested that the Na-Dené language family represents a distinct migration of people from Asia to the New World. Ruhlen claims this migration occurred six to eight thousand years ago, placing it around four thousand years later than the previous migration into the Americas by Amerind speakers. Ruhlen speculates that the Na-Dené speakers may have arrived in boats, initially settling near the Queen Charlotte Islands, now in British Columbia, Canada.[3]

According to Sergei Starostin and his followers, Na-Dené (including Haida) belongs to the much broader Dené–Caucasian superfamily, which also contains the North Caucasian languages, Sino-Tibetan languages, and Yeniseian languages. Some of the links subsumed by the Dené–Caucasian proposal were suggested much earlier. Linguist Edward Sapir considered the hypothesis that Sino-Tibetan is genealogically related to Na-Dené nearly a century ago.[4]

See also


  1. ^ a b Dene–Yeniseic Symposium, University of Alaska Fairbanks, February 2008, accessed 30 Mar 2010
  2. ^ See Vajda 2010
  3. ^ [1]
  4. ^ Campbell, Lyle (1997). American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America. Oxford: Oxford University Press


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  • Leer, Jeff; Hitch, Doug & Ritter, John (2001), Interior Tlingit noun dictionary: The dialects spoken by Tlingit elders of Carcross and Teslin, Yukon, and Atlin, British Columbia, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory: Yukon Native Language Centre, ISBN 1552422275 .
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  • Pinnow, Heinz-Jürgen (1962), "Two problems of the historical phonology of Na-Dene languages", International Journal of American Linguistics 28: 162–166 .
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  • Pinnow, Heinz-Jürgen (2006b), "Sprachhistorische Untersuchung zur Stellung des Haida als Na-Dene-Sprache", Unveränderte Neuausgabe aus INDIANA 10, Gedenkschrift Gerdt Kutscher. Teil 2 Berlin 1985. Mit einem Anhang: Die Na-Dene-Sprachen im Verhältnis zum Tibeto-Chinesischen (Bredstedt: Druckerei Lempfert) .
  • Rubicz, R.; Melvin, K. L.; Crawford, M. H. (2002), "Genetic Evidence for the phylogenetic relationship between Na-Dene and Yeniseian speakers", Human Biology 74 (6): 743–761, doi:10.1353/hub.2003.0011 .
  • Ruhlen, Merritt (1994a), The Origin of Language: Tracing the Evolution of the Mother Tongue, New York: John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0471584266 .
  • Ruhlen, Merritt (1998), "The Origin of the Na-Dene", PNAS 95 (23): 13994–13996, .
  • Sapir, Edward (1915), "The Na-Dene languages: A preliminary report", American Anthropologist 17 (3): 534–558, doi:10.2307/660504 .
  • Thompson, Chad (1996), "The Na-Dene middle voice: An impersonal source of the D-element", International Journal of American Linguistics 62 (4): 351–378, doi:10.1086/466304 .
  • Vajda, Edward (2010), "A Siberian Link with Na-Dene Languages", in Kari, James; Potter, Ben, "The Dene–Yeniseian Connection", Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska 5 (new series): 33–99 .

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